Saturday, August 13, 2011

This won't come as a suprise, but I'm going to move URLs... again.
It'll be my first URL that I ever had seeing that 2009, August 22nd was the first time I ever posted on blogspot. So I'm feeling nolstagic towards by orignal and embarrasing old blogspot.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

sooner or later

It was a stressfull morning to begin with. I called Joe to verify our Accounting assignments before the very exam and realized that what I did was wrong. Had a mini breakdown. Felt sorry for myself. Sister had to yell at me to SHUT UP AND FIX IT. Had our House breakfast... Hash browns, orange juice, scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. Went into Mathematics and I am sure that my teacher likes to make fun of my genius. Afterwards... the Accounting exam, no doubt, hands down the hardest exam I've ever had. My friend cried after the exam and a few people didn't finished and some people ommitted stuff. I really need an A. Missed out on Morning Tea because the Accounting teacher was being nice, in that she let us try to finish it. I had double Chemistry and once again, reaffirmed the fact that Treschers is the cutest teacher ever!! He's also kind of helpful. I now have no regrets about choosing Topic B. Lunch time. I made group contribution and then, Joe and the Slut beckoned me because they didn't want to approach my table. Discussed tomorrow's dindin options. Later, went into Biology and the teacher wasn't as hormonal as usual O: She got a bit pissed because we set our Electrophoresis at the wrong time and voltage... awks. Later ITS, decided to stay in there after school. The teacher likes to make fun of me. But I made fun of him. Tis all cool.

Delibated on a text. Genuine or not? I still don't know what to think... it's almost too good to be true. Oh wells, I think about it like this... if one of us had some tragedy befall us tomorrow, I would definitely regret on passing up the opportunity to be friends again.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Funniest Youtube Comment

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Okay I never realized how great the school's facilities are. Although, the work benches are a tad too cramped at the best of times. I have nightmares. Nightmares relating to my life. My circumstance. One was where I got rejected from a University interview and the other was when I received my UMAT results and I cried. According to my mother, you dream about what you subconciously think about.
I've been having chicken noodle soup for the past three days and it makes me pee alot. A lot. But ever since the tuckshop mercilessly jacked up their prices, it's basically the only thing that I can afford which can also fill me up. I'm super tired even though it's currently only 10.09pm
Omgsh, I saw Captain America yesterday after school. I enjoyed it immensely, though, I would have felt better if I hadn't lied to my parents that I was 'studying.' I didn't do anything of academic importance yesterday, and I feel guilty. Anywho, it's such an amazing movie!! He's soo hot, even when he was skinny. And it's soo sad ): Can't wait til the sequel!! And I need to watch Thor godamnit.
I'm putting the finishing touches on my English speech. Hopefully, I'll do well. I'm most worried about going over the time limit which is 7mins and 20secs. I have 1021 words, so hopefully I won't go over. I'm quite excited about presenting (which is a first) because I only have to present to an audience of four (:
Open day tomorrow night. I'm super excited. In my opinion, it's the best school event of the year. Here I come... Food.
Such a boring post. Sorry for boring you.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

fellowship of nine

I need to go on a diet. So... umm... how amazing is the camera I'm using? It's the Canon G11 and I really really really really want it. It has mindblowing quality, is relatively cheap (when compared with slr's) AND it looks cute. It looks similar to the olden day chunky rectangular cameras which just wants to be strapped around my neck.
These past few days have been both stressful and eyeopening. For the first time that I've ever caught the bus, ticketers came and checked everyones Go cards. Which I think is ridiculously stupid. The bus driver actually watches you as you enter the bus to see whether you swipe your card or not. So why does the Government waste money on employing people to check 'tickets' when there's a minimal chance that people cheat the system. And usually when people do get caught, they're given a warning. Speaking of Government, I've got my English speech some time next week. Surprisingly, I'm not that nervous given that this speech will help determine whether or not I can get A overall. As of right now, I'm not too happy with it. It's a minute too long, I'm not being specific and I need to personalise it. Also, I've been getting really tired at school nowadays. I'm almost feeling like the previous term, lethargic and sleepy in school time and awake and energetic at night. It's horrible. I might even doze off.
Today, nearly all the grade 12s went to Bigrammar. I really couldn't be bothered. I also stayed after school to work on my IT. Let's see, I've also realized that my biology teacher isn't as great as I once thought she was. She's getting really pissy, which is understandable because in our pracs noone knows what they're doing. So she probably thinks we're blundering fools, but for pity's sake, patience is a virture. I really can't talk. Open day this Friday and I am really really really really excited. FOOOOOOOOD. Good food. I think it's my favourite school event, it's really fun. The whole school gets into it and all. There has been a shocking amount of assesment this term. Please let me survive and thrive.