The day started pretty crappily because when you go into the testing room, you're supposed to bring your proof of identification and your admission ticket. And I didn't realize this until everyone was filling out their Answer sheets with their name, date, numbers and shiz. And I literally freaked out with a mini heart attack. And the asian lady wouldn't let me out. So basically, when we started the test, I had to run out of the room and get my admission ticket. Sounds easy? Well, it's not. There were soo many fucking bags outside and I wore my $2 Cotton On bag with the bird on it which EVERY SINGLE CONFORMIST HAS. And so I spent like 54938504 minutes searching for my bag and retrieving the darned admission ticket and running with break neck speed back into the testing room. This resulted in me in not finishing section 1.
I did not fucking finish section 1.
I'm not kidding/exaggerating. I guessed the last EIGHT FUCKING QUESTIONS!! EIGHT!!!! So yeah...
Okay, section 2. This is usually my best section and I can usually finish heaps early. But I did bad. I know I did bad. With section 2, you think you do good... and you do do good. If you think you did bad, than you probably did do bad. And I think I did bad. I think section 3 was probably the best. But I'm still soo nervous about it. I couldn't do about ten of the questions.
Overall, it was shit. I'm preparing for the worst. But please, oh some divine being up there, please please please let me pass all sections. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!

this is beautiful (source: tumblr)
I went home and had a little cry with mum. She was suprisingly chill about it but underneath she was both disappointed and bitter. I think she was acting nice only for my sake because she could tell that I was genuinely distressed. Fuck. I can't believe my whole future is basically decided on this exam. Well, the easy way to a good future. I'm going to try for Bond. Sadly, I don't even know if I can get in.
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